Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Be Good To Yourself

The merciful man doeth good to his own soul (Proverbs 11: 17). 

Twenty-three days have gone out of the new year! 

My post today is about being good to yourself. Perhaps for you it comes easy but for me it has been a learning process. 

If I went into a store I would always be looking out for the cheapest thing. Now of course that isn't a problem in itself. The problem lies with me being so cheap that even if I could afford the pricier item, which I actually liked more and would enjoy more, I wouldn't buy it. I didn't think that I am worth the extra. 

I have come a far way though. These days I try to purposely go for the thing that I'd enjoy the most; I try to aim for the best. I am fortunate to have my husband who has served as a great example of being good to yourself. He has no problem with buying something that is nice so long as he can afford it. 

Recently, he bought us two watches. I won't lie, it was hard for me to digest the price (LOL). But he wanted to bless himself and bless me. What is interesting is after he bought them, the one I had wearing stopped working! I was going to church one Sunday, went to pick up the new one but changed my mind and put on the old one, and it almost caused me to miss the bus! Luckily hubby had been checking the time on his phone and realized it was much later than I had thought. I had no choice now but to wear the new one. And somehow I feel like God wanted me to and so He arranged for the other one to stop working. He wants me to love me. God wants you to love yourself! 

I've been a bit annoyed and uncomfortable at the lack of central heating here. I decided that instead of complaining, I'm taking matters into my own hands! I got an idea about how to be good to myself and have a more comfortable living space. I don't really like having to lock up in one room which is basically what you have to do here in the winter. I decided to put a heater in the hall area of the house. That way I can open the living room door if I want to, and even if I decide to close it, when I have to leave the room the cold won't just slap me in the face. 

Here's how it looks: 

Same area where the heater is. 

This is where we have camped since winter began. We no longer sleep upstairs in our bed but got out the futon we have. I can leave this door open because the area in the pic above has a heater. 

Happy winter, guys!!

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