Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Just Keep Moving

I think the most important things in life is to just keep moving. Even if you have to go slow. Even if everything doesn't get done like you hoped. It only matters to just keep moving.

If you're a single mom with kids, you might not be able to get all the plates washed up. But perhaps you were able to get the laundry all done and ensure that the kids were fed. Don't lament or beat yourself up about what you didn't get done. You got some things done. So you did make progress. Just keep moving.

Before you know it one week has gone by and another one has begun. It means you made it through the week gone by. You'll make it through this one, too. So just keep moving.

Picture taken from
You might be like this 91 year old, just being able to get your high school diploma. But he got it done. See, you must just keep moving.

If you keep on moving - no matter how small the steps or slow your pace - you'll get 'there', wherever 'there' is. It might be to see your kids all grown up, on their own and taking care of themselves. I think of my mother, she'll be retiring from the teaching profession soon. She has the privilege of seeing her four girls all grown up. She had kept on moving.

Don't try to be like anyone else. Only you know how much you can manage. Just do the best you can. Yes, just keep moving.

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